Suprise! Allie was woken up today by 7 beautiful girls in their pjs to wish her an early happy birthday. 3 other girls showed up a little late, but we were so happy they made it. Everyone that came was (Ashley, Jamie, Kimmy, Kendel, Megan, Natalie, Christy, Rashenda, Christiana and Jackie). They began with a fabulous breakfast made by mother, Luke, Isaiah and me. French Toast, Waffles with Strawberries crushed and whipped topping, eggs, Bacon and Orange Juice. My anxiety was very much their when I was working on breakfast with all the people and wanting it to go right. I was shaking as I worked on breakfast.Allie was in a daze at first, she had no idea this was comming. Ashley said "come on get out of bed we'er here for you." it was funny. I recorded their awakening of dog pile!
We had a really fun obstacle course! The girls were split into teams and then the timer began. Two girls(Team 1 Megan and Kendle, Team 2 Ashley and Rashenda) had to link arms and pop a balloon between their backs.
They then run to the next obstacle where their other two teammates awaited them so they could begin their obstacle of "guessing what the other person what humming" (Team 1 Jamie and Kimmy Team 2 Natalie and Allie). That was suprisingly difficult for them. I put too many of my cultured songs on their from Wicked and Phantom. Luckly Allie and Natalie the Piano players were able to do a Phantom song, but Allie drew a blank on the name of the one Natalie was humming so it took them a while.
Back to the obstacle course, after humming they run to the next obstacle where their partners who had popped the ballons had to find 5 words (that described Allie) in the word search. And pop a ballon with their hands when finished.
Tossing sixlets into a teammates mouth and leapfrogging was next.
Leapfrogging took them to the chugging down milk from a baby sipper cup obstacle.
One of my favoite obstacles was this next one. I put a shower cap on a girl(for team 1 Kendel and team 2 Christy) and covered it with shaving cream. Their teammate had to throw cheetos at their head and 5 had to stick. The girls would move their heads around to try and catch them as well.
Frozen shirt was next to come. They (Allie and Natalie from Team 2 and Jamie and Kimmy from team 1) had to pull open a frozen folded T shirt, put it on and hug the person at the next station. Jamie and Kimmy had to hair dry and use water from the sink to dethaw theirs. Their team did go first so I think thats why theirs was so much harder to get undone. When I had taken the shirts out of the Freezer I knocked on them and they were hard as rock. It was so hilarious. Jamie ran to the bathroom and said "come on Kimmy the hair dryers all ready." Kimmy and Natalie got to be the lucky winners and wear the shirts. They than hugged their teammate at the next station.
A number was picked at this station which told them how they could draw.(if they picked 1. They put the crayon in their mouth to draw. # 2 (which both team picked) they put the crayon between their toes. #3 They drew with their hands behinde their back. Then mom gave them the scene they had to draw.
Last but not least was the banana and ping pong obstacle. A jump rope was tied around their waste with a string attached in the middle front of it and at the bottom of that string was tied a banana. They had to swing the banana to hit the ping pong ball to the finish line. That was somethin else.
The Last game I had prepared was Act it out. I gave the girls a movie(s) and one character that had to be in the scene and let them go from their. They dressed up, practised and preformed. Group one challenge: Highschool musical 1,2, or 3 Chad has to be in it. Natalie and Allie did part of 'Getcha head in the game' with some mad b-ball skills. Allie had a black fro wig cause she was chad.
Group two challenge: Highschool Musical 1,2 or 3 Sharpey had to be in it. Ashley and Jamie did 'What I've been lookin for' Ashley was sharpey and Jamie was Ryan. Jamie used a mullet wig tucked under a hat to be Ryan it was sexy scary!
Group three challenge: Kung Fu Panda Kimmy, Christy, Jackie and Christiana all painted their faces as different Kung Fu Warriors. They looked awesome. Kimmy was the teacher and Christy was stuffed to be the Panda. Christiana was the Tiger and I think Jackie was the Preying Mantis?
Group four challenge: Harry Potter movie 1,2,3,4 or 5 Hermione had to be in it. Rashenda, Kendel, Isaiah, Conner and Megan did the broom scene from number one when Neville Breaks his arm, and Harry chases Malfoy on his broom. Theirs was really funny. Megan was Ron and Malfoy so she would not wear a wig, then throw it on as malfoy then throw it off as Ron. Isaiah was the teacher and Conner was Neville. Rashenda was Heromine.
Group four challenge: Harry Potter movie 1,2,3,4 or 5 Hermione had to be in it. Rashenda, Kendel, Isaiah, Conner and Megan did the broom scene from number one when Neville Breaks his arm, and Harry chases Malfoy on his broom. Theirs was really funny. Megan was Ron and Malfoy so she would not wear a wig, then throw it on as malfoy then throw it off as Ron. Isaiah was the teacher and Conner was Neville. Rashenda was Heromine.
Mom was the Famous picture person and I was so greatful of that so that I could run most of the obstacle course. I recorded the Acting scenes to their arn't pictures of that,but they all looked fabulous.
All the girls hung out and played their own games til about 12:45 when mom and I served Icecream in waffle cones since Allies not a cake lover. They enjoyed laughing and playing cup and hand games at the table till the icecream was done. Allie was a little embarassed to open the presents cause she said thats not the thing that she cares about and you don't want to react in a more excited way to one than another causing hurt feelings so she pushed it off til we made her open them.
I got up at five to do all this... Decorating and getting everything in order, so after the party I slept for an hour and a half. All in all Allie was so greatful and totally suprised. She had a wonderful time and so did I watching them all.